Fall Mission Week 2014
Heart for the World is the theme of WFMC’s Fall World Mission Week for 2014, featuring Art Brown (former director of Free Methodist Missions), Andy and Lizet Bowen (WGM missionaries to Paraguay), Colleen Fitch (OneMission missionary to Spain) and Bishop John (Free Methodist bishop in India.)
October 19, morning worship – Art Brown – “A Heart For The World”
October 19, evening worship – Colleen Fitch
October 19, evening worship – Art Brown – “Out of the Boat”
October 22, evening worship – Bishop John and Colleen Fitch
October 25, Men’s Breakfast with Andy Bowen (8:00 a.m., CMC Great Hall)
October 25, Ladies’ Mug and Muffin with Lizet Bowen (10:30 a.m., CMC Great Hall)
October 26, morning worship – Andy Bowen “Changed Heart, Changed World”
October 26, evening worship – International Potluck Dinner, CMC Great Hall
Special presenters during the 9:40 a.m. education hour on October 26 include: William Peterson (Oakdale), Cheryl Faul (Thomson Hood Veteran’s Center), Don Shreiner (home missions team), Diane Munoz (Hospice of the Bluegrass), Krista Padgett (Assurance Pregnancy Help Center), Connie Sunda (Highbridge/Wilmore Community Services), Rachel Powdrill (WFMC Benevolence Team), Sam Powdrill (Mercy Ship and West African Ebola Crisis), Steve Liversedge (Evangelism Resources).