Young Adult
Are you a college student or 20 something young adult? We have a class just for you!
OnPurpose – The OnPurpose ABF is wrapping up a series on Adulting. Over the next year, the class plans to explore several other topics, such as “Everything Starts with an ‘If’,” Leadership, Finances, Bible Study, etc. The class starts with casual conversation, sharing about our week, and a “Demotivator” for the week. And, yes, a breakfast snack is usually part of it. You are invited to join us as we look to live life On Purpose. Meets every Sunday, 9:45 a.m., Room B202.
Events – Join us at the Winter’s home on the second and fourth Sunday nights at 7:45 for snacks and games of all sorts…, board games, video games, etc. From time to time, we will have special events such as a Christmas party or a girls/guys night or an outing to go ice skating/bowling or to see a movie. Feel free to invite your friends! Watch the bulletin for details or give your email/cell number to the church office to be included in a personal invite. You do not need to be a part of the On Purpose ABF to attend.
Plugging In – WFMC’s core values include being involved, being connected and being there for each other. There is a place for you to serve, to connect and to care for others, as in: Children’s Worship, Nursery, Christian Life Club, Youth Ministry, Choir, Handbell, Music Team, Landscape & Mowing Team, Men’s Basketball, and many more. For more information, contact Pastor Dwight or the church office.