Giving: An Important Part of Christian Worship
The giving of tithes and offerings has been a central act and attitude of worship throughout the Judeo-Christian tradition. Giving demonstrates our dependence upon God for our livelihood, and is a beautiful response to our loving Heavenly Father for all the good things He has done for us. In our giving, the activities of our workweek come in contact with our Holy God who gives strength for honest labor.
Wilmore Free Methodist Church (WFMC) supports the Biblical tithe of ten percent of gross income as a minimum standard that a Christian should give to the work of the Lord. We also believe that the Bible teaches that disciples of Christ should strive to, in the words of John Wesley, “earn all they can, save all they can and give all they can.” We strive to be the truly and comprehensively generous people God calls all of His people to be – generous financially, but also in every other way as well – realizing all of value in from the Lord and belongs to Him.
The ministries of WFMC are supported completely from the giving of the congregation. In accordance with Christian and Free Methodist traditions, we are not dependent upon any ancillary money-making ventures.
WFMC seeks to be frugal and wise in our spending of funds, realizing that good stewardship is essential to proper Christian character.
ENGAGE, our on-line giving system, can be accessed by clicking here, or access the app directly with the QR code:
Memorials Ministry
WFMC has a Memorials Team that can help you include WFMC in your estate planning. While some flowers at funeral and memorial services are nice, so also are financial gifts that benefit the Kingdom for years and lives to come. No amount given is too small (or too big.)
- Some memorials purchased through estate gifts in recent years include:
Our current playground
The pavilion that is under construction
Various benches and seating areas around campus
Sets of books in the library
Trees and landscaping around campus
Various home and world missions projects
Various Christian education supplies and projects
- Some possible future memorials projects:
Car Drop Off Canopy
Parking Lot Paving
Enhanced Landscaping at street and at entrance B
Renovated / Strengthened Gyms Walls
Mission Trip sponsorships
Youth Refrigerator
Outdoor games for teens
Set of new choir folders
Choral anthems – need 50 of each song
Outdoor Basketball Court
If you’d like information about how to include our church in your future financial planning and even consider specific ways your estate gifts could be used, contact the church office.