
God is a God of communication.  He has a word for His people.  Always.

Throughout history, God has communicated to His creation by personal appearance, revelation, signs, wonders, angelic messengers, human prophets, and even through His own written commands for fruitful living.

In these later days, God has chosen to speak to His people through the Living Word, His Son, Jesus Christ, through the written word, the Holy Bible, which is a divinely inspired record of Jesus’ life and His early followers’ lives and ministry, and through human preachers of Biblical texts.

The reading and proclamation of God’s Word is central to Christian worship.  It is the primary way the truth of God is communicated and applied in a community of believers.

Scripture is clear about the importance and urgency of the proclamation of God’s word (Exodus 4:10-12, Matthew 4:17, Mark 16:15, Acts 8:27-38, 1 Timothy 4:13, 2 Timothy 3:16, Titus 1:3, 1 John 1:1-10).

Each Sunday, priority is placed on God’s word as it’s read from existing Scriptural texts and applied prophetically though careful, contextual, relevant preaching.