
We, the music ministry team at Wilmore Free Methodist Church, are glad you are part of our church family! We hope your participation in the life of our church will be made more joyous because of our fellowship in Christ.

As you well know, it is truly a joy and privilege to share in one of God’s great gifts—the combining of music and His word. At WFMC, we take seriously the major role that music fulfills in our church family worship times, in the nurture of true disciples, and in outreach to those who hunger for the Truth. Weekly, we reaffirm that each of us is a member of the church’s most significant choir, the congregation. We invite and encourage you to join with those around you singing from your heart in uninhibited praise to His glory.

For those of you who find music to be a specific means for service and growth within the Christian body, we offer many opportunities. Our graded choirs—from younger children to adults; small vocal and instrumental ensembles; solo music ministry; music leadership roles and accompanying opportunities—are available to minister to you, and to benefit through your participation.

Again, we welcome you! Please make yourself known to us , for we have no better way to get to know you! We would like to meet you and learn how we can best minister to you and through you.

Check out our Philosophy of Music of WFMC

Contact our Minister of Music, Dr. Mark Schell

Music Ministry Opportunities at WFMC

Note that most choral groups rehearse and sing only during the public school year (Sept – May) taking summers and the time around the Christmas holidays off.

Sanctuary Choir (post high / older)
Typically sings in morning worship two times each month
Rehearses Sundays, 4:45 – 5:45 p.m.  (Sanctuary)

Blessings Adult Handbell Choir (post high / older)
Rings monthly in worship and for special occasions
Rehearses Tuesdays, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.

Morning Worship Music Teams (youth / older)
Accompanies congregational singing in morning worship services
Guitar, bass, percussion, piano, organ, brass, melody instruments as needed
Must be advanced musicians/music readers

Festival Choirs (post high / older)
Sings for special / seasonal occasions
Rehearses seasonal Sundays

Seniors Vocal Ensemble (“seasoned” citizens)
Sings for special / seasonal occasions
Rehearses as needed


Tintinnabulation Handbell Choir (grades 6-12)
Rings periodically in worship and for special occasions
Rehearses Sundays 3:30 – 4:30 p.m.

Youth Choir (grades 6–12)
Sings periodically in worship and for special occasions
Rehearses Sundays, 4:45 – 5:45 p.m.  (Room B100)

Chimes of Joy (grades 2–5)
Introduction to handchime ringing
Rings periodically in worship and for special occasions
Rehearses Sundays, 3:45 – 4:40 p.m.

Heaven’s Harmony (grades 2–5)
Sings periodically in worship and for special occasions
Rehearses Sundays, 4:45 – 5:50 p.m.  (Room B101)

Friendship Company (kindergarten–grade 1)
Musical activity and learning time, sings occasionally in public
Rehearses Wednesdays, 6:15 – 6:45 p.m. (Room B101)

Young Musicians (age 4 by August 1st)
Music activity/learning time using rhythm instruments
Child must be accompanied by one parent
Rehearses Wednesdays, 6:15 – 6:45 p.m.  (Room B100)