The Mission of the Church
Jesus gave all who would follow Him a mission…a job…an over-riding purpose for our lives. We are to “go into all the world and make disciples, to baptize them in the name of the Father, Son and Spirit, and to teach them all that He has taught us,” (Matthew 28).
Also, in the Great Love Commandment in Matthew 22, Jesus said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart….and love your neighbor as yourself.” The work that Jesus gave us applies until His return.
Personal and organizational missional efforts of the church in spreading the good news of Jesus Christ are not optional for Jesus’ church, nor are they merely activities that we do. They are part of who we are as Jesus’ followers.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son…”
You’re asking, “How Can I Help?”
Great! In addition to checking out the Home and World Mission pages, here are some practical suggestions:
1. Pray for ministries, for our missionaries and church leaders, and for yourself to be a bold witness for Christ.
2. Give as the Lord has blessed you, of your money and time, to the cause of missions at home and abroad.
3. Talk about Jesus in your everyday conversations at work, play, school, neighborhood, family. Point people to Him.
4. Participate as often as possible in the scheduled church outreach events.
5. Volunteer one hour a week in a Good News Club at Brookside, Wilmore, or Nicholasville elementary schools.
6. Offer your help and friendship to an international person living in your area – invite someone into your heart and home.
7. Be informed and then act to help people in crisis who might need common household goods and supplies, compassionate, non-judgmental counseling, tutor training for English as a second language, food, life-giving blood, etc.
8. Join a work team to assist in various projects.
9. Visit the Thomson-Hood Veterans Center, Hahn Manor, or Royal Manor Rest Home and spend some time talking with a resident.