Hope Restored – Lent, 2016
As we prepare for Resurrection Day this year, we’re focusing on how God has restored hope to our hopeless and struggling world in the giving of His Son, Jesus Christ. Join us each Sunday morning at 8:30 or 10:50 and rediscover the hope that belongs to every follower of Jesus.
February 10: Ash Wednesday: Reviewing the Story
February 14: Hope Restored, Redeemed, Isaiah 43:1-7, 16-19
February 21: Revival (Terry Ferris) The Blessing of the Balanced Life, 2 Timothy 1:3-11
February 28: Hope Restored, Remember, Genesis 3:1-4:7
March 6: Hope Restored, Repent, Matthew 4:12-17
March 13: Hope Restored, Rejected, Luke 4:14-30
March 20: Hope Restored, Revisit, Luke 19:11 – 44
March 25: Good Friday: Hope Restored, Relent and Recognize, Luke 22:39 – 23:47