Daniel : Fearless
One of the great stories of faith and hope in the Old Testament. We look at aspects of what made Daniel a great man of God.
Daniel: Fearless – A Principled Life – October 27, 2013 The church and the world need Daniels today…people who are neither legalistic nor compromising, but instead, who live principled lives fully engaged in, and in full view of, the world. Daniel show us how to do this.
Daniel: Fearless – Life-saving Trust – November 3, 2013 God invites us, by Jesus’ sacrifice, through prayer, to know Him and trust Him for wisdom by which we can live peaceful, confident lives, and to find freedom from every person and habit and situation and fear that would hold us captive…and even from death itself.
Daniel: Fearless to the End – November 10, 2013 To be able to say sincerely and calmly, in the face of any temptation or danger or sickness or threat, “I know the Lord is able to save me, but even if He does not, still I will trust Him. Still He is God. Still He is good.” This kind of trust we receive from God through the work of His Holy Spirit.
Daniel: Fearless Even When Forgotten – November 17, 2013 Pray for our leaders, embrace every truth-telling opportunity God gives us, and invest today wisely, since it may be our last; these are three lessons from Daniel chapter 5.
Daniel: Fearless When Betrayed – November 24, 2013 Daniel understands that loyalty to God comes before all other loyalties…he pays the price and gains the rewards…and shows us how to do the same.