Current Places of Ministry

Here are just some of the current places of service where volunteers are needed.  If you’d like more information, contact the church office and we’ll send you to the right staff or team leader.

Nursery Volunteers – Serve with our youngest worshippers during one of the morning worship services, Sunday evening, Wednesday night or Sunday school.

Sunday School Teachers and Assistants – at least a year commitment (mid-August to early August). Prepare Biblical lessons using the curriculum provided, arriving at 9:30 in the classroom to greet the early arrivals. Sunday School is from 9:45 – 10:45. Love and nurture our children while building a strong foundation in their Christian life. We have lots of vacancies this coming August that will need to be filled.

Social Team – Social Team members needed!   The Social Team serves (usually once a month) at our social functions, involving either set up, serving during the event or clean up. Some of these social events include the all-church breakfasts, potlucks, hayrides and sidewalk socials.

Head Usher / Greeter on Wednesday Night

Parking Ministry Team Leader

Lawn and Garden Care – persons to weed and trim flowerbeds, etc/